Blog 6. The Living Inquires Adventure (March 2016)

For most of the last two years I have been exploring, training and achieving certification as a Scott Kiloby Living Inquires Mindfulness Facilitator. This year I have  been called  in several days a week to work  with clients in person and online at the mindfulness based Kiloby Recovery Center  in Palm Springs.Untitled picture

The inquiry process takes us to a place of deep rest and connection – and from that safe place of resting awareness we look at and dissolve the seemingly solid and real and stuck-together memories, thoughts, words, pictures and associated emotional sensations that block us from our sense of peace.


The inquires deconstruct, soften and free us from:

  • Our core deficiencies. Such as: I’m unlovable, stupid, alien, ugly, separate, or different.  I can’t ever be enlightened or awake or free. [Unfindable Inquiry]
  • Our anxieties. Such as: Our fear, terror, trauma, childhood abuse, PTSD, rage, stuckness, or frozenness. Our sense of being weak, unsafe, attacked or vulnerable. Our fear of disease, pain, or death. [Anxiety Inquiry]
  • Our compulsions. Such as: Our addictions to food, drugs, sex, porn, relationships, shopping, gambling, security, cell phones, facebook, being right, being loved,  or even seeking enlightenment.  [Compulsion Inquiry]

In a typical 60-90 minute session, we will usually soften and sometimes totally dissolve a lifelong belief or painful behavior pattern. Client comments:

 “It is just miraculous how an hour of facilitation can “unstick” decades of stuck stuff.”

“The [Living Inquires]  FAR outstrips any therapy out there! So all-encompassing, and so thorough. Bravo! I appreciate it so much!”

“What REALLY amazes me is that the Living Inquiries are THE tool to use, rather than sit and meditate for years.”

“I just wanted to say a heart-felt thanks – these methods have helped me to feel genuinely loving for the first time in many years.”

“The two 1-hour private calls I had have been very helpful. I no longer feel depressed, I sleep great at night without needing to take any medication, there is a deep sense of inner-peace and connection with myself and everything/everyone.”

“What I love about sessions with facilitators is not just the relief it brings from all the crap feelings, the sense of awe and wonder, a new way to be, but also that everything is acceptable. … It is true unconditional love.”

“Working with the [Living Inquiry] facilitators has been the only thing that has led to a direct experience of awareness. Much gratitude.”

My certification process has required a long intensive training including hundreds of  inquiry sessions — half as the facilitator, half to clear out my own obstacles to freedom.  I’ve worked with spiritual seekers in Bali and Greece, therapists in Chicago and California, and alcoholics in Los Angeles and the Faeroe Islands.    There have been tears and laughter as both I and the folks I have worked with have been released from the iron grip of many old beliefs.

Most of these sessions are face to face using Skype, but this year I have been called in to work  for over fifty days with clients at the Kiloby  Center.  And in one recent session in my home office the client was freed from debilitating compulsion that he had struggled with for decades.

The work attracted me because Scott Kiloby was a recovering alcoholic who had a major spiritual awakening (you can see his books on Amazon) – but noticed that he (and many other spiritual teachers) still had some pretty whacky behaviors. He developed this technique to directly look at and continue to clean up those beliefs and behaviors.  I also love the quality and integrity of Scott and all the folks I have met in his  organization.

If you want a taste of the inquires, Google “Kiloby Inquires”.   Here is a link to a YouTube example:Scott Kiloby UI

The Unfindable Inquiry – Scott Kiloby [Living Inquiries] HD … ▶ 32:24

This will give you an idea of the magic of this powerful technique for dissolving the power of our negative stories, beliefs, fears, compulsions and patterns of behavior.

Remuneration for the inquiries is usually flexible with an introduction and a first session free – and a suggested donation for additional sessions.  Training in ongoing self-inquiry is also included.

So take a look – and see if you want to explore finding some relief.  The inquires are a gentle way to go deep in finding freedom and peace.  Call or email me if you want to know more:

[email protected] 310-516-6460  cell 310-766-2136
Living our human life as an adventure, not a trial  – –


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Living life as an adventure, not as a trial — one breath at a time.

WELCOME.   This website and blog is dedicated to exploring ways and views that can help us better remember or awaken to our essential spiritual nature — and to really appreciate and enjoy our human surfchildpinkadventure on planet earth — to thrive rather than survive each precious day. The site has several parts:

My bio or story describes some of my personal adventures and explorations on planet earth — how to live life with a sense of fun and curiosity.  The best view I have found so far starts with a deep sense that I am actually an infinite spiritual being that is having a creative human experience — an extension of Source energy. In growing up I become so embedded/ fascinated/ frightened with this physical world I totally forgot my connection with my True Self;  I became convinced I was this vulnerable separate mind and body called Carter.  This website is dedicated to discovering views and practices that help us reestablish or remember our True Selves and the true joy it can bring to every moment of our lives.

Accelerating Evolution describes one of those explorations. The integral theories of Ken Wilber freed me from the idea that to connect with spirituality I had to drop my rationality – to regress to medieval or tribal times.  Instead, I discovered that our desire for a better world and life has led not only to higher technology and economics but to higher stages of morality and spirituality. The Accelerating Evolution model I developed predicts that by the last half of this century these powerful creative forces will open us to the mature rational or integral stage and even spiritual levels of consciousness — and soon racism, sexism and even violence will become as morally repugnant as the infanticide, cannibalism and slavery of our earlier stages. [But the process getting there, like most changes,  may be bumpy!]

Russia Blogs. In the fall and winter of 2010, my wife Franny and I went to Germany and Russia to help build out a new theater in St. Petersburg. I wrote a series of blogs on that adventure.

Current Blogs will deal with my ongoing explorations and adventures. The first one will be based on an email I sent to a friend who was struggling with the spiraling doom of depressive thinking — it recommends, among other things, some of the tools of positive psychology

Carter Vincent Smith